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About Us

Solidarity is our club’s motto. Our mission is the mission of the IBEW. We are riders of all types from Motorcycle Enthusiasts and weekend warriors to Everyday Bikers. We reflect the values of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. We are IBEW members riding in solidarity, to bring the Brotherhood / Sisterhood closer through a common goal which happens to be riding motorcycles. At the same time, we are not interested in separatism in any way. We are not interested in playing into any of the divisions that have cropped up in the motorcycling and motorcycling club world over the years. As Trade Unionist, we encourage American made, and Union made motorcycles. We do not promote the idea that one bike brand, one gender, one race or one biker "attitude" is better, more genuine or is the more "real" expression of what a biker is.  Reflecting the great diversity that exists in the worldwide motorcycling community is also a very important objective of the IBEW Riders. Toward this end, our IBEW Rider clubs are open to IBEW member’s both male and female, riders of every ethnicity, and people from many different walks of life and life experiences. We strive to have members from a large age range and various generations as well. Our belief in having members from a large age range is not just a belief rooted in the idea that the young can learn from the older or that the young can provide fresh energy and enthusiasm. It is both of these ideas and more. It is also an idea rooted in the belief that we all can learn something from each other and contribute something to the growth of one another no matter what our age or what the nature of our life experience.

Mission Statement

The mission of this Club shall be to promote, by all proper means, the comradery and welfare of its members and of the I.B.E.W. and Local Union #481. We invite everyone to come to a meeting to see what the group is all about. We encourage participants to have knowledge of motorcycles or want to learn. This group however does not require you to ride a bike or own a bike to participate in our events.

Electrical Workers Indianapolis Riding Club is a tax exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Identification Number (EIN) is 93-2633949

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